Monthly Archives: August 2015

Hey. What’s Up? Hello. Wedding Edition

Hey. What’s Up? Hello.

Remember me?

Yeah its me. Turns out when you stop blogging for a bit it can be overwhelming to come back. “Where did I leave off” “Should I start with this or that?” then I just give up and skip it all together. Well I’ve decided to go ahead with it this time. Maybe it will be like two old friends and we will just pick up right where we left off. Or maybe you will be really confused about my life. Who’s to say. Typically I over explain things anyways, so I think we’ll be okay 😉

Last weekend was my big sister’s wedding. She wrote a bit about it here.

Isn't she gorgeous? (He's handsome too)
Isn’t she gorgeous? (He’s handsome too)

The whole day was very “Shannon” (and Josh too). Black and gold, wildflower, packed dance floor, 300+ closest friends.


Shannon was a relaxed and beautiful bride. She brought her vision to fruition and didn’t even have to use a spreadsheet to organize her spreadsheets !GASP! My wedding was spreadsheet overload, and I loved each and every cell 😀 Remember it here.


We had a blast celebrating the happy couple.


Whitney love!
Whitney love!

There was even an impromptu Meatloaf  sing off.


They say there is always sometime that goes “wrong” at a wedding. Our “disaster” had to do with the not-so-sunny sunflowers that were delivered.

See what I mean?!


Aunt Lynn and I were able locate 100 perky stems just in time.


You cold pretty much say we saved the day here.


I LOVED being a part of this special day with Shannon and Josh! Weddings are the best.

And dancing too 🙂
