Monthly Archives: November 2015

My dad is cooler than your dad

Okay, let’s not get into a fight about it. I am sure your dad is cool too, but I just really like mine ok? ( Warning: Some dads may be embarrassed in the making of this post…well one dad ❤ payback)

Today is a special day. It is the birthday of my number one blog reader: my dad. Even though I haven’t been publishing much here lately, my dad checks in on the regular to see what’s going on in this head of mine. So here is to you!

A few things you might not know about my dad.

dec 1991
#1 he rocked the flat top

My dad is a great athlete, but an even better cheerleader.

Dad and I connected over sports growing up. He has a lot of great stories about his glory days. He uses these stories to teach lessons about life. He made me confident about my small size on a big field, and taught me that hard work can be greater than natural talent. In high school, I made field hockey my sport, and Dad searched the internet to become an expert in the sport. He drove me to tournaments, pep talked me, carried my equipment (the best!), cheered and embarrassed me the loudest, and then, reviewed the game on the drive home. My dad was not the type that “tried” to be there from my games. He WAS there. In fact, in four years of playing, I can remember the single time that he was NOT there. I remember that he tried to change his flights and apologized countless times. I know missing that game was harder for him than it was for me.


My dad is chill.

He is also good at chilling

Looking back, I am amazed at how patient and even tempered my Dad was with us kids growing up. He doesn’t loose his head over the small things, and is very intentional with his words and actions when he is upset. I am naturally rather high strung and a worry bug, but learned from Dad’s example to let some things go, and focus on the “now”.

My dad is strong.


Yes, physically my dad  very strong. If you can’t tell from the photo, I can vouch for him, he has helped me move probably over eight times in the last six years. But looking past those big muscles, my Dad has great strength in the inside. He stand up for the things he believes in.  He has been strong for our family as we went though tough loss. He has made lots of sacrifices for our family, and works hard to make sure we have all we need (+more).

My dad is fearless.


He is a tough guy, and I think he likes to show that side often. He hunts, fishes, rides ATVs, and has a handful of scars with though stories. Sure your dad might do that too, but were I think he is most fearless is with his feelings. He has never been to tough to tell me or show me that he loves me and that he is proud of me. I hear a lot of girls talk about how they “know” their dad loves them, but he doesn’t use the words very often. Well my dad is tougher than your dad. On many occasions, he has pulled me aside, very intentionally to look me in the eye and tell me “I want to tell you that I love you”.

My dad is smart.

Dad in one of his many years in college

Maybe it is because he want to college for a few extra years, or maybe it is because he completes the crossword and Sudoku puzzle every night after dinner WHILE schooling the contestants on the Wheel of Fortune. Regardless, my dad could school your dad in trivia anytime. He values the benefits of reading for pleasure and knowledge, and I am so thankful he shared this with us.

My dad is sensitive.

As per family tradition, on  my 10th birthday, my dad gave me my very first pocket knife. I was so excited to have this “adult” gift, but looking back now I treasure the note that came along with the gift much more. I still have the letter, and I treasure the words you wrote and keep them in a special place.

“When tough little boys grow up to be dads They turn into big babies again” Yup he cried like a baby when we danced. Sorry Dad, secret is out.

My Dad is a bomb husband.

Love birds

Dad, thank you for loving my mom. Your love has been an example to me. So many of my friends parents are no longer together. You and mom have shown me that marriage isn’t always easy, but it is worth the fight. Thank you for fighting through the hard times for Shannon, Will, and me. Thank you for showing us that love is more than flowers and hugs, it is a selfless commitment, and working as a team.

My dad is selfless.


He gets up at the crack of dawn every morning (so early the stoplights are still blinking yellow), so that he can put in his hours at work and be back to spend as much time with us after school as possible. Without doubt, Dad’s truck pulled in the drive way by 4:00 to ensure plenty of time to help with play with us, help with homework, eat, and then take us to sports practice, or cut the grass or take care of the house before dark…then he gets up and does it again.

July 07

When a guy is insensitive, or forgetful, or lazy, people often throw out the excuse “it’s because he is a man” or “you know how men are”.  Well sorry boys, that excuse does not work for me, because I grew up with a man who strives to do his best for our family.  He is not always perfect, but he always tries, and best of all, admits and apologies when he sees he hasn’t lived up to the high standards he set for himself.  I am so lucky to have a great relationship with him. My dad has set a great example of what a father and husband should look like and for that I am so thankful.


Happy Birthday Dad!  I love you old man!

Oh and he kills it on the dance floor.